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Food + Cooking

Chinese Produce You’ve Never Eaten

Published in Gourmet Live 01.18.12
Josey Miller uncovers seven Asian fruits and vegetables to try

During a recent trip to Hong Kong, I snapped photo after photo of striking fruits and vegetables, some of which looked vaguely familiar and some of which I’d never seen before. Back at home in New York, I wanted to identify them and learn how to use them in my own kitchen, so I enlisted the help of Chris Cheung, executive chef of Lair, a Chinese fusion restaurant not far from New York’s Chinatown. He shared his kitchen expertise for the following seven food finds—all of which are worth trying…with one possible exception.

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“A pomelo is like a superhuge grapefruit, but they tend to be a lot sweeter than the American sour grapefruit,” Cheung explains. Usually served raw in salads in the West, in Asia it is regarded as a perfect snack, peeled and eaten after dinner: “The Chinese believe citrus fruits have enzymes that help you break down and digest your food more easily.”


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